This RIIRIS501E unit is equivalent to BSBWHS513 and can be done alone or in combination with the two mandatory S26 Units of Competencies:
- RIIRIS402E (Equivalent to BSBWHS414)
This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to implement and maintain management systems to control risk.
This course is targeted towards those in Statutory Positions in Western Australia and covers:
⬩ Western Australian Legislation
⬩ In-depth Risk Identification, Assessment, Control and Review
⬩ Communication, Consultation and Issue Resolution
⬩ Incident Investigation and Reporting
⬩ Training Needs Analysis and Planning
⬩ Principal Mining Hazard Management Plans
⬩ Emergency Management
⬩ Mine Safety Management Systems
This can be done before or after our Optimised Mining Exam Preparation Courses – there is no required order!
Enquire now to check dates and prices.